Our service component is composed of seminars in first aid, self-defense and situational awareness; created to meet the needs of different demographics. Below you will find a detailed list of services we offer at Street Ready!

General citizen Curriculum
Street Ready's Urban Citizen curriculum, offers a seminar teaching Street Smarts for the everyday civilian. We cover the most common medical emergencies such as performing CPR, stopping a life-threatening hemorrhage, and saving a choking victim. We also include general situational awareness and common self-defense scenarios including escaping neck grabs, wrist grabs, body lock controls, and defending against strikes.

Stronger Kids Curriculum
Street Ready's Stronger Kid's curriculum looks to build critical confidence in every child. This curriculum teaches verbal assertiveness to deter bullying in schools alongside our nonviolent leverage-based techniques for dealing with physical confrontation. As an added bonus, we include our child-specific abduction prevention strategies, alongside our medical fundamentals of CPR and Heimlich maneuvers. This curriculum is offered as a course or as a seminar

Women's Safety Curriculum
Street Ready's Women Safety is the official self-defense and situational awareness program for women. In this seminar we will teach you how to neutralize common attacks ranging from being approached against your will, having your hair grabbed, or being pinned to the ground by a violent assailant. Furthermore, this seminar covers body language tips and situational awareness to help you avoid potentially violent encounters, such as being followed, dealing with creepy stares, or being touched against your consent.

First Responders Curriculum
Street Ready's first responders seminar is specific for law enforcement officials. We teach effective, leverage-based techniques that allow officers to remain safe while serving our community. This seminar focuses on weapon retention techniques, control strategies, de-escalation methods, and team-based arrests. This course has been taught to countless local and state law enforcement agencies.

Street Ready Corporate Consulting
Street Ready's Corporate curriculum is a general seminar offered to all businesses. The first aid portion of this seminar includes STOP the BLEED, choking, CPR, and dealing with a heart attack, stroke or seizure while on the job. Our situational awareness and self-defense include handling verbal disagreements, protecting ourselves from chokes, strikes, and nonviolently subduing a violent attacker.